5th Functional DNA Nanotechnology Workshop, Rome 25-27 May 2022


UPDATE (2/4/22): Registrations are closed as we reached the maximum numbers of participants!

Please note that the participation is limited to 100 persons.
Applications for oral or poster contributions or for simple participation are welcome.
We especially encourage young scientists (PhDs, postdoctoral researchers) to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
Registration fees are as following (to be confirmed):
Student (PhD and master) = 250 euros
Post-docs and senior participants = 350 euros

We plan to issue several scholarships to cover the participation fee for younger participants.
Registration fee will include: lunches and coffee/tea breaks, workshop material and the excursion. The social dinner cost is not included in the registration fee and will be paid separately.
The deadline for abstract submission for oral and poster presentation is 1st April, 2022.
Please send the abstract by email to ([email protected]) using the template (download here).
Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by 10th April 2022.
The deadline for registration is 15th April 2022.
Invited lectures will be allocated 25 plus 5 minutes for discussions. 15 plus 5 minutes for discussion will be allocated for oral contributions (or 8 + 2 minutes for discussion for short presentations).
The poster presentations (A0, portrait format or 70 cm width x 100 cm heigth) will be an important part of the conference. Two official poster sessions are planned. However, the posters will be on display during the whole conference, so that there is also time to look at the posters during the breaks. Poster contributors will be also given the opportunity to present their poster results with “flash” presentations. More details will follow.